Definitely their harshest film...
9 October 2003
... and possibly my favorite for that. Given the greed of the 80's and 90's (which had only begun in 1983), even "Permanent Crimson Assurance" takes on a

disturbing air. It is certainly their most cinematic and elaborate film, though I agree with some who say that the humor suffers (or, more correctly, changes)

because of that. I regret that they did not do another just to see how far they could push. I recognize that much of it is deliberately offensive, but anyone who likes their comedy with a does of bitters should enjoy it.

Also, to correct an earlier reviewer - Graham Chapman died of cancer that had metastasized from his throat (he was a heavy pipe smoker much of his life) to his liver (he drank heavily as well, as the comments on "Holy Grail" note.) Gay men do die for reasons other than AIDS.
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