Review of Psycho II

Psycho II (1983)
I'm just going to have to pass on this one.
15 January 2003
'Psycho' is THE best movie of all time. It's my favorite film. 'Psycho 2' is another story. Unfortunately, it has a poor script, some pretty bad acting and it basically moves at a snail's pace. The only good thing is that of course, the wonderful Anthony Perkins is back.

I just adore Perkins. He was excellent in 'Psycho' and is without a doubt the only positive thing to come out of this stinker. While at times he seemed to be a little too creepy, even for his character, I still think the world of him. Okay, enough with the raves. The supporting cast, consisting mostly of Meg Tilly is bad. She isn't horrible by any means, but she isn't exactly great. Vera Miles is listed second in the credits, though I can't seem to remember her right now. Actually, I'm having a hard time remembering just about anything from the film. I'm taking that to not be a good sign.

The obvious low budget of the film sort of gets to me at points, but it's something that can be worked around. The good thing about the original is that it had a wonderful setting, an atmosphere that really brought the script out whatever the budget was.

Something's starting to come back to memory. I believe it is how long this movie seemed to be. Yeah, I know it was only two hours, but oh how it seemed so much more.

'Psycho 2' manages to bring just a pinch of shame to the 'Psycho' name. Perkins is at least in it, so it can't be ALL bad. There are some parts in which a tiny jump will occur and the obvious, startling revelation will be revealed. It's the kind where it's been present all along, yet nobody could really put their finger on it. Where would movies be if it weren't for that little surprise stunt? So, I'd say pass on the sequel (and avoid the third one also). Instead, watch the 1960 classic once again. It never gets old.
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