Review of C.H.U.D.

C.H.U.D. (1984)
Premise better than execution.
17 December 2001
I agree with the previous reviewers who noted that the premise of C.H.U.D. is much better than the execution. The idea of radiation in the subways turning homeless folks into cannibalistic monsters is awesome. And I liked the cop searching for his wife, the photographer doing a story on vagrants, the crazy soup kitchen dude, etc. Unfortunately, the script is seriously underwritten and the characters are not sufficiently fleshed out, neither are the situations. To me, the film deserved a more gritty, less cheesey (i.e., fake gore and goofy looking monsters) approach, with a more visually gifted director (David Fincher perhaps?) and better actors than John Heard and Daniel Stern (who aren't bad, by the way.) See Alligator (1980) as an example of a movie like this that is done well. I give C.H.U.D. 4/10. (One extra star for the title.)
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