Review of Secret Honor

Secret Honor (1984)
For those who wonder what Philip Baker Hall was doing before PTA came on the scene
11 April 2002
Not to say too much about Secret Honor: just know that it is an amazingly written monologue with amazing acting by Philip Baker Hall and amazing direction by Robert Altman. One might accuse Hall of overacting, but you should remember that this is stage acting. It's exaggerated, but that's the way stage acting works. Of course, Richard Nixon was pretty damn insane, so maybe this isn't overacting at all! The writing builds a lot of pathos for Nixon, which you wouldn't expect, while not letting him off any hook. And the ending kicks a lot of ass. F*ck 'em!!! The third best Altman film I've seen, after Nashville and 3 Women. 10/10.

P.S. - It was a bit difficult to understand, since I am not 100% familiar with Nixon and the era. If you don't know anything about this stuff, just avoid it.
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