Best of the series
11 August 2002
It has been a long time now since I last saw this film, but it made a much deeper impression on me than the two earlier films in the series (and, for that matter, any of the rip-offs, remakes or homages out there). This film is a slow-paced melodrama much of the time, but it is intelligent and witty and unlike most horror films it actually has something worthwhile to say. The most frightening characters in this film are not the zombies, who actually function quite effectively outside the walls of the compound where they are virtually unseen. Rather, this macrocosm of societal leadership in a state of breakdown puts a glass up to the truly horrific creatures that we have the ability to become. In this sense, the zombies are not exactly evil, they are just doing what they do, running on instinct or like machines, but the real struggle of good and evil (sanity and madness) plays out quite clearly among the human element.
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