Review of Aliens

Aliens (1986)
Still terrifyingly exciting after all these years...
6 November 1999
Nearly 15 years after its initial release, this film still seems just as fresh and scary. How many other films in the sci-fi genre can say that? Aliens definitely made use of some fancy special effects and elaborate sets, but nothing was there just for eye candy. It all adds to the effect and as a result, it still works today.

I hadn't seen this film for about 10 years when I rented it the other day, actually expecting it to look silly and dated... the kind of film that scares you to death at 12 but seems silly at 22. Instead it was just as intense as I remembered. The only possible thing that seemed to take away from my enjoyment was that it has been so widely (and unsuccessfully) copied over the years that we've all seen this before.

Just as amazing and gripping as it ever was. When the closing credits make their way onto the screen you feel as though you have just gotten off a roller coaster--somewhat exhilarated, but also slightly disoriented and still trying to absorb everything that you've just experienced.

Best film of the series, Aliens really shines quite well as a stand-alone film. Script alludes to the first film and leaves openings for future films, but does this unobtrusively so it isn't annoying.

A great film to watch late at night with all the lights turned off. Just be sure to barricade the doors and keep one of those motion sensors handy...
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