How could you not love this movie?
5 August 2000
Dear God, has it been this long? Is this movie really fifteen years old? Well, Mathew Broderick hasn't aged a day since (must be drinking the same magic sauce as Dick Clark. I think it's called embalming fluid). I decided to watch this again the other day to see if it was as good as I remembered it. It had been about ten years since I had last seen it, and you know how movies from your youth are never as good as you remembered them. Well, this one is every bit as good now as it was then. I love this movie!

There are just too many good things about this movie to mention. Broderick is instantly likeable as Ferris. Makes you wish you had a buddy like him back in school, if for no other reason than to get close to his hottie of a girlfriend (Mia Sara). For some reason, I keep thinking of Alan Ruck as being the most outstanding character in this movie. He gives a very sweet performance as Cameron, Ferris' loser friend. He actually has the most performance-intensive role in this one. And what a cast! I was most looking forward to seeing Ben Stein again, and a hilarious cameo by Charlie Sheen, and they didn't disapoint. Oh, but that's not all folks, we also have Jeffrey Jones as the principle ("Rooney Eats It!"). He's great. Even better is Jennifer Grey as Ferris' sister, ‘Shawna-Jean'. I love her attitude.

John Hughes, where for art thou? Seems he's been writing a lot for the last ten years. Yikes! I took a look at his resume and it's not a pretty sight. I think the 80's was his decade. Anyway, this one is easily his greatest film. Everything just clicks. This one is easily a 10/10 stars on my scale. G'night!
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