Review of Party Camp

Party Camp (1987)
Jewel in the rough...
1 February 2000
There are movies that are leaders, and movies that are followers.

"Meatballs" was a leader. And here's one of its followers.

"Party Camp" is about as interchangeable as any of its brethern who plumbed the depths that "Meatballs" (the original) had so successfully mined. Of course, that one had Bill Murray. So, what does "Party Camp" have?

I'm glad you asked that question.

Jewel Sheperd has made these flicks her bread and butter, and what a side dish SHE provides! Even as an innocent (wink, wink) girlfriend to a rich twerp (Cribb), she provides that sultry steam she gives to all her parts. And yes, guys, she shows (if you know what I mean and I think you do). My gosh, that smile of hers could melt through titanium.

What? Oh yeah, the movie. Nothing special as I said; every cheap joke is aimed for and hit (at about crotch-level). And eternal teen Jayne is good for a laugh or two. But instead of a sense of humor there's just nudity, lame sex jokes, more, nudity, a soft-core dream sequence, a sex symbol nurse simply for (CLOTHED!) leering purposes, even more nudity....

Hmmm... Maybe it's a good idea Bill Murray WASN'T in this.

Two stars. For Jewel, naturally. Plenty of "Camp", but not much of a "Party".
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