Intimate French Drama
21 January 2004
"Un Tour de Manège" stars Juliette Binoche and Francois Cluzet as Elsa and Al, a pair of troubled Parisian lovers. The film gently portrays their initially broken relationship as they re-build it and it ultimately falls apart due to miscommunication and lies.

The film is slight in all senses, but it does elegantly sketch out the relationship of the protagonists. Cluzet's Al is strong and determined as he sets about constructing a career and looking after his beloved Elsa. Cluzet is a strong presence and his sheer physicality envelops the screen.

As the gamine Elsa, Binoche is very reminiscent of her role in Léos Carax's "Mauvais Sang". She is a passive, albeit bewitching presence. Her performance is low, key but the sadness in her eyes makes it utterly compelling.

Pradinas's direction is sure and steady. The screenplay by Pradinas and Alain Gautre however is a bit too rambling, lacking both direction and purpose.

Beautifully filmed on,location in Paris the film is very visual with strong blues and reds and fluid camera movement.
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