Review of Predator

Predator (1987)
Schwarzennegger in his prime
31 March 1999
In the mid to late eighties it seemed as if Arnold Schwarzennegger could do no wrong. Practically every movie he made was successful, people loved him, and things were good. "Predator" is typical of the movies he was turning out, just enough schlock and humor to add some fun, serious enough to get your attention, and gobs of special effects and action. Carl Weathers and Jesse Ventura complement rather than compete in the drama, and there's enough shoot outs and one-liners for everyone. (Bad Idea, Stick Around.)

What's always stuck in my mind about this movie was where the final battle took place, a forest with huge trees and an almost primeval look to it. I've always felt the director was trying to symbolize going to the basic instincts of survival and conflict; when the identity, race, and origin is stripped away, and all that is left is two beings fighting to the end. Maybe I'm just reading in too much.

Most people would agree that "Terminator Two" was the peak of Arnold's acting talent, but "Predator" is a sample of what he did when making hit movies was his bread and butter.
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