BOY! Does this film BLOW!
12 May 2004
A nerdy high school kid (Tim Conlon who looks WAY too old for the role) is possessed by an evil, dead high school girl to get revenge or something. Whatever.

Even as a made for video horror flick this is pretty bad. For one thing it tries to mix humor with horror. Too bad all the humor is terribly unfunny. And as for horror...HA! There's not one even remotely scary moment in this drivel. Add bad acting, real lame special effects, boring gore and a lousy script. I give the film credit in one area--no gratuitous female nudity. Instead we get gratuitous MALE nudity (but it's brief and only one shot). I KIND OF liked the ending (which I'm ashamed to say I didn't see coming) but not enough to recommend this. AVOID! A pathetic waste!
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