Review of Say Anything

Say Anything (1989)
Cameron Crowe proves his greatness.
5 June 2001
Forget "Almost Famous", forget "Jerry Maguire"- this is the film that

Cameron Crowe should be judged on. (That, and the classic Fast Times at

Ridgemont High) This is a touching, simple, lovely, and very funny film

that you should see with someone you love. John Cusack has never been so

good- he keeps his smirking to a minimum, and Ione Skye (where'd she

go?) is terrific too. On the surface a simple love story, but it goes

much deeper and deals with keeping your heart and hope alive in the face

of difficult times with family, something we can all relate too. Filled

with wonderful cameos, including Jeremy Piven and Joan Cusack and Lili

Taylor and Eric Stoltz (an alum from Fast Times!), this is one of the

few heartfelt studio films made in the last 20 years. "Almost Famous"

and "Jerry Maguire" appear bloated and over-produced compared to "Say

Anything". Rent this for your first date for a real interesting evening.

A great film!
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