Review of JFK

JFK (1991)
15 July 2002
This tour de force lays out in meticulous detail factual evidence proving a conspiracy behind the assassination -- It proves how Oswald could NOT have been the lone gunman, how Oswald could NOT have killed Kennedy, how dozens upon dozens of credible witnesses saw and heard numerous things pointing to others being involved, how sloppy the investigation was on all governmental levels, how the Warren Commission altered evidence, how evidence was destroyed, how a cover story had been prepared before the fact, how the Zapruder film proves Kennedy was killed by someone on the grassy knoll or in that vicinity, etc. If you want to find out who is either 1) a sympathizer for our lying government or 2) a complete moron, simply ask them about the JFK assassination and whether they think there is a conspiracy, and when they fail to respond in the affirmative, you'll have your answer on what kind of person you are dealing with. Sometimes no amount of factual evidence can open a closed, ignorant, fearful mind.
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