Review of Unforgiven

Unforgiven (1992)
One of the 5 best westerns ever made.
24 September 2002
Many say that film was in it's golden age when we had a new Western coming out every other weekend. The Western genre allowed so much for filmmakers to explore: the battle between good and evil, the choice between what's right and wrong, the teaching of strong morals, ethics, and values. It was a canvas for a modern American mythology. But once Peckinpah created his savage western to end all westerns (preceded by Sergio Leone's anti-westerns), there wasn't much more to say on the subject. There wasn't any room for the classic western of yesteryear. Until a skinny actor named Clint decided to take all he had learned on the subject over his thirty year career and make the most self aware and intelligent western ever. Superbly acted, sublimely written and photographed, UNFORGIVEN is Eastwood's master work as a director and actor.
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