Review of Boiling Point

Boiling Point (I) (1993)
"Boiling Point" only simmers
26 July 2002
In "Boiling Point", a Treasury Agent (Snipes) has one week to find a killer while a scam artist (Hopper) has the same one week to pay off an underworld debt. The pair are on a collision course in this flick with a bunch of heavies, some T-men, and a beautiful prostitute (Davidovich) who knows both men biblically. The film tries unsuccessfully to build human elements into the characters. Hopper is a sentimentalist with panache who likes ballroom dancing while Snipes longs for his divorced wife and son. Unfortunately, "Boiling Point" hasn't the intensity the title would suggest and just slogs it way through a more-of-the-same cops vs bad guys plot with poor quality drama and almost no sensationalistic chases, crashes, stunts, pyro, sex, nudity, etc. A lukewarm tv watch at best. (C-)
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