A Strange Movie...
10 January 2004
Being a HUGE Madonna fan I had to have this film. Dangerous Game is good and bad for many reasons. First.. It's confusing...but mainly because you don't know where the characters who are playing characters start and end. But that also may be what the director intended.

Second.. the editing.. it was rushed or done on equipment that was of little quality. There are times when the dubs are not with the video.. some parts are a mess.. but again.. intended or not?

Thirdly the acting. Keitel is ... well... Keitel... not too much of a stretch.. Keitel, Russo, and Madonna often times seem to improvise... few lines seem scripted.

Sidebar on Madonna and acting...

Madonna usually has a shining moment or two in most of her films, but more often than not Madonna and acting don't mix. I can say that because I am a Madonna fan. Madonna is the "Queen Of Deadpan," she says a line and... NOTHING. She seems to be thinking about her next line while the other person is speaking, which hinders delivery and expression... plus she blinks WAY too much. Those are her biggest acting flaws... DIRECTORS TAKE NOTE... I summed it up... VOILA!

But I digress...

In Dangerous Game, Madonna shows us some of her BEST ACTING TO DATE! There are countless scenes where she is not left to carry the film. She lets her hair down and is actually believable. The scene near the end.. with Keitel actually egging her on to get a REAL reaction. "You think you're so smart"... is BRILLIANT!

Finally... Often times there are scenes where the director seems to use genuine behind-the-scenes footage of Madonna, Keitel and Russo. Sadly the only reason I say this is because Madonna's acting is too good and her performance too genuine. This again confuses the audience. Intended or not?

This film is extremely choppy... very gritty... very dirty... very raw... very sick... very violent..

but very boring in some sections...

I didn't enjoy this film the first time I saw it, and often times I fast forward through scenes when I watch it today. But, the film does have some quality to it that makes you ask... Was that supposed to happen? Is that Madonna or Sarah or what? Did they? Did She? Oh My!

If you like a movie where the ending is not black and white you'll enjoy Dangerous Game.
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