Is it really worth a rental?
16 April 2004
Environmentalist Sandra Bullock, who couldn't have been much more than 28 or 29 when she did this flick, gets mixed up with idiot photo man Craig Sheffer and they get into all sorts of trouble down in the Amazon.

Barely released in theaters, mostly released on video and I think I saw it on DVD somewhere...

A long, dull, bad movie made before Sandra hit it big in "Speed". Memorable mostly for featuring what may very well be Sandra Bullock's only cinematic sex scene. Even though Sandra's 5'7" body is completely unclothed you don't actually see anything, as others have pointed out, not that her body is unpleasant to look at even if you don't see her naughty bits.

If you really want to see Sandra Bullock naked, rent this film and fast forward till you get the aforementioned love scene and then hit eject.
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