Review of Schramm

Schramm (1993)
a string of effectively disturbing images...
26 October 2003
...and I've seen "Salo," the grandfather by which all bizarre, sicko cinema is measured (but I still think it's a fascinating film). "Schramm" lies just beneath it as far as the weight of its images is concerned--in a lot of ways, it's like a serial-killer music-video filled with frames (including a Lynch-like, disembodied vagina with teeth) that burn themselves onto your frontal lobe with explicit authority. Director Jorg Buttgereit utilizes an effective, mood-setting score that helps to produce a film that is atmospheric, yet rich in character and psychology; "Schramm" is 62 minutes of celluloid that, if you choose to watch it, won't be easily forgotten.

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