Review of PCU

PCU (1994)
College Classic. It's funny, it's entertaining, it's social
17 September 2000
For anyone who has attended a liberal arts college in the last 10 years, this film is for you. While I find it very cool that the Wesleyan College people take credit for the film (in the same way that Dartmouth folk take pride in their own "Animal House"), I don't think you needed to have attended that school to identify with this one. The wymynists, the stoners (playing "disc"), and the overzealous administration trying to rid the campus of any semblance of tradition or spirit are unfortunate but all too common themes on campuses across this country both large and small. The situations about the social, academic and the extracurricular were all right on. Very funny movie.

But this film is much more than a spoof commentary on today's PCUs. It's an entertaining film. It's just plain funny. Come on, who didn't know someone in college trying to prove a thesis as ridiculous as the Caine-Hackman theory? I went to an Ivy League school and there was the urban myth about the guy writing the thesis explaining why the bubbles in a 12-ounce plastic cup of beer always form the same circle formation at the top of the cup.

David Spade was great. Jeremy Piven and John Favreau were excellent before they were famous people. Overall, an awesome movie. And by the way, to anyone who makes comments like: this wasn't a funny movie and would only appeal to "frat boys": they made this movie because of people like you. To everyone else, take this movie for what it was, a satire and a good one at that.
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