Shatner saves the movie
20 November 1998
Okay, I liked this movie anyway, but I agree it could have been so much better. I just saw the ridiculous comment talking about how bad we all want to see Shatner go. Listen buddy, Shatner was the BEST thing about the movie! He stole every scene he was in, and also the movie was just plain more interesting when he was on the screen. There is something that a lot of people don't get, and it really bugs me. This movie's flaws had NOTHING to do with the original series cast members. It had to do with the writers: Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, and Ronald D. Moore. Shatner didn't write the movie for Christ's sake! He was merely an actor. Think before saying stupid things like "the movie was a vehicle for Shatner's ego"!
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