Review of Jury Duty

Jury Duty (1995)
This movie is a good laugh for some...
29 October 1999
In the future people will not be able to understand the OJ Simpson references that are made in this movie. It is a timely comedy, set to a backdrop of a gruesome killing. The hero, a stupid man named Tommy Collins (Pauly Shore) exposes the jury system for what it is. Instead of making us laugh, it made me think, that courts actually decide the fates of men's lives by using juries. Who is to say who would make a good juror. Anyhow, if your in the mood for something light, pick this film up at your local video/DVD store and give it a chance. It's not too bad, and watching Pauly Shore in a g-string and a bottle of milk poured on him is likely to get even the most Anti-Shore laughing.

Also look for guest appearance by Andrew Dice Clay as Pauly's uncle.
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