An amazing documentation of modern liberal "tolerance"
20 July 2002
This film is offensive and obnoxious but it pretends to be intellectual and thought provoking. It's all based on the ethical question "is it moral to kill someone if you know they will eventually incite or motivate others to kill?". However, except in the case of a child murderer, the characters just kill ordinary people with right wing political beliefs. Of course, in all instances the right wingers are cartoon-like one-dimensional yokels while their murderers(the heroes of the film) are deep thinkers who anguish over the decision to kill others not for what they've done but what they say and believe. At first I thought it was a satire on liberals who pretend to endorse tolerance but have not an ounce of it for anyone who doesn't share their views. I was a bit taken back when I realized it was quite serious. The film even concludes that's it's morally righteous to kill a right wing pundit if it prevent him/her from someday rising to the office of President. I predict this film will be referred to in the future as an example of the disconnection of Hollywood and mainstream America.
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