Nemesis 4: Death Angel (1996 Video)
Give Sue Price a break!
30 December 2002
I have read most of the comments on this site and while I do agree with some I feel that many are not accurate or more precisely fair. While I admit the Nemesis films are made to showcase Sue Price' incredible physique it cannot be laid at her feet when the dialogue is bad the special effects second rate or the sets poorly made. That is the responsibility of Albert Pyun who both wrote and directs these films. As for those who find Sue Price unattractive due to her muscularity I would hope that they keep in mind Sue was chosen specifically because of that muscularity. And just for clarification when she decides to relax her muscles she looks no different than most professsional athletes and when wearing a dress or just a pair of jeans and a shirt is a stunningly beautiful woman. Also while her acting is not the best Sue put everything she had into every film she did and for a rank beginner considering people are still talking about her I would say she made quite an impression. If people think back Chuck Norris' first films were almost embarrassing to watch as he was such a terrible actor. But as we all know he got better and has become quite at home in front of the camera. Sue Price worked extremely hard for a film that in my opinion was beneath her talents, but in a more ambitious film with a better budget I think she would do very well. As for many who call her "Steroid Sue" all I can say is Steroids or not, muscles or not, she is both drop-dead gorgeous and talented and when given a good script and motivation she is a good actor who deserves a chance to showcase her ability. I realize I sound prejudiced and I accept that proudly. I suffer from a chronic illness that has left me barely able to walk yet Sue Price went out of her way to send me photos of herself and a letter of encouragement that I felt was extraordinarily kind. So give her a break and take the Nemesis movies for what they are. Training for an upcoming star. Sue put her heart and soul into her work and I have no doubt if given the chance she can deliver a topnotch performance well worth seeing. Remember she didn't write them nor produce them all she did was try to the best she could with what she had. So please, give her a chance to show you what she's got. Bob Ingle
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