Review of Powder

Powder (1995)
14 April 2000
Many positive superlatives could not express the brilliance of this film. It astounds me that given the rather un-original state Hollywood has been in since 1980 (and continues to be in with the blatant and dull John Travolta rip-off of Phenomenon in 1996) that such a wonderful film was given the green light. It is always a rarity to see this type of masterpiece hit the screen... and a pleasure too. There was much controversy surrounding this film upon its initial release... mostly of the kind that had nothing to do with the actual movie. To that I can only say one thing... it takes more then one person to make a movie! Get over it. Besides the clever, thought provoking, tender, respectful and intelligent script penned by Victor Salva, he also does a top-notch job in the direction. I loved this movie, I own this movie and I whole-heartedly recommend it to everyone.
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