Project: Direct-To-Video
21 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
In 1974, an American secret agent takes a blood sample from a werewolf in Budapest, then returns to the U.S., where he inject himself with it (!), kills a few people, is captured by the evil Colonel Miller (Barry Bostwick, who's awful) and cryogenically frozen. 20 years later at the "U.S. Secret Operations Center," a group of doctors experimenting with synthetic, metallic skin are given the frozen cadaver as a test subject, resulting in a red-eyed creature that looks like a cross between PREDATOR, Sonic the Hedgehog and the ALIEN monster. It's kept strapped to a bed with what appears to be Saran Wrap, escapes and starts killing again, but a few resourceful doctors melt up some silver just in time to load up a high-powered bazooka (conveniently found on the premises) and blow the sucker into a zillion bloody pieces.

The John Carl Buechler FX are alright (but silly!) and the whole scenario is pretty old (despite the werewolf angle) but there are a few good parts and I liked it OK watching it on cable at about 3 in the morning.
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