Tall, Dark and Deadly (1995 TV Movie)
You CAN judge this one by it's cover... guess who's the psycho?
6 November 2002
Jack Scalia turns up again in this cruddy TV movie. Looks like he's trying to grow old gracefully! This TV movie looks cheap and it's been done time & time before. Fatal Attraction has a lot to answer for! The only good things about this late-night nonsense is the opening sequence, which has a young lady being dropped from a apartment building and the camera going around her body in slow motion as she falls. A neat trick and quite beautiful (until she smashes full pelt into a car roof that is). The other good thing is Kim Delaney who deserves better than this and in my opinion is a very under-rated actress who also radiates beauty. But then what do I know... This one gets a 3/10 on the ShoonScale, Delaney bumps it up from a 2. Shoong
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