Are you kidding me?
26 April 2004
I just finished watching this movie on TV and couldn't understand why anyone would bother releasing this film to theater other than to cash in on some reputable names of actors that obviously made poor decisions, furthermore why anyone would bother spending more than pocket lint to be subjected to such pathetic dribble.

For starters, if this character found herself in such a sit com like situation as she did, why didn't she just tell the truth instead of dragging things out until the inevitable, tedious and way too predictable end.

Brendan Fraser is a capable actor and what can I say about Shirley MacLaine. Ricki Lake although, with her best performance since "Hairspray", should now reserve herself for the kind of melodrama that only daytime television affords her.

After losing 2 hours of my life already to this travesty, I feel it is my duty to spare my fellow viewers from the same horror that I have just endured.
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