Review of A Better Place

For the record...
7 April 1999
I never 'blamed' the cast, crew, or cinematographer for any of the admitted flaws in A BETTER PLACE- I did quite candidly talk about my troubles making the film and some of the personality conflicts that arose during production, but NEVER did I 'blame' other people (except for a few shots that turned out screwy- they WERE the fault of the camera operator/DP who assured me they looked good- we were shooting a $50,000 film and didn't have video tap, and I wanted to be able to trust my D.P.)- any conceptual flaws in the film are the result of my naivete at the time as a first-time writer/director.

And, seeing as how you trashed the film Raoul, I can hardly agree that I pointed out EVERY problem you had with the film, 'cause flawed as it may be I'm quite proud of it- you make it sound as if I was up there saying the film sucked, which was hardly the case- unlike a lot of directors though, I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not perfect, and neither is my film, but it is a good film- that I cede to nobody. If you find this kind of honesty "shocking" then so be it.

AND FINALLY, the acting in the film is indeed quite good, particularly the two leads, Eion Bailey and Robert DiPatri.

Vincent Pereira
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