Sliding Doors (1998)
Migraine City
14 February 2001
Watching this movie did give me a headache. I realize it was a "What if she did, or didn't catch the train" situation that was going on, but it was a bit mind boggling keeping track of her "what if" lives ... plus would any female in today's world be so stupid as Gwyneth in this movie believe the repeated lies from her live-in creep of a boyfriend. I doubt any woman would put up with this situation. This "what if" life irritated the hell out of me. The other "what if" life with John Hannah was more bearable, but I wish I had chosen "Three Coins in a Fountain" instead. This was an old 1954movie, but it was a much better movie than "Sliding Doors." Now it's time to take the Migraine medication. :-(
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