Review of Steel

Steel (1997)
Um, this was based on the comic book character, right?
18 January 2003
That's what I kept thinking all through this movie. I've been following John Henry Irons from the start in the comics. Here's the deal; Remember when Superman died? In the wake of that battle, four people arose wearing the "S" and resuming the neverending battle. There was "The Last Son of Krypton" (actually a computer program who believed he was Superman and took an extreme approach to fighting evil), the Cyborg Superman (actually a villian who took advantage of the opportunity), the Young or Teen Superman (a clone given a semblance of Superman's powers, now known as Superboy in the coming soon TEEN TITANS comic), and an armored man called "The Man of Steel."

The Man of Steel was John Henry Irons, an inventor who was recruited by a weapons manufacturer to design for him. As in the movie, these designs are stolen from him and planned to be used as weapons of mass destruction. He destroyed his work and went underground, ending up in Metropolis. While saving a falling worker, John himself is saved by Superman. John tells him, "I owe you my life," to which Superman replies, "Then make it count for something." Shortly after, Superman died in battle. John soon learned that his weapons were being used by Metropolis' gangs, sold on the black market. Inspired by Superman's example, John Henry creates a suit complete with cape and "S," armed with rivet shooters, super-strength, flight, and a mean sledgehammer. He was the only one who never claimed to be Superman back from the dead. After Superman's return, John modifies his armor and shortens his code-name to Steel.

Now, I can understand why the legal matters won't let them use Superman in this movie, but what is this with a motorcycle, no cape, no flight. This was just a terrible rendition. It needed better writing, better budget to at least get him flying, and they need a much better actor than Shaq. Where was Michael Clarke Duncan when we really needed him?

Among the comic-book movies of 1997, the winner goes to Spawn, IMHO.
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