Review of Half Baked

Half Baked (1998)
I REALLY wanted to like it... but it's not all bad.
3 February 2000
I was expecting a sort of "second coming of Cheech & Chong" from Dave Chappelle, one of the best stand-ups working today (and a scene stealer in such films as "The Nutty Professor"). Unfortunately, despite the presence of such hilarious performers as Jim Breuer and Harland Williams, "Half Baked" ends up being just that. Despite the obvious fact that such a comedy couldn't really tolerate a plot which took itself too seriously, it's pretty paper thin stuff. I can't help but wonder if some of the film's more subversive moments were left on the cutting room floor. Oh, well. There's still some GREAT lines in the film, most of them delivered by Chappelle (who, being the film's writer, also prooves he's no fool). Breuer, who - with his dropping eyelids - looks stoned no matter what condition he's in, is a perfect choice for the picture, but doesn't get to cut loose like he did on "Saturday Night Live." Williams, who practically walked off with "There's Something About Mary" during his one short scene, is the most endearing of the four leads and very funny, to boot. Guillermo Diaz doesn't fare quite as well, and the female lead is highly irrelevant to the overall film. But, I must give credit where credit is due: this movie has THE BEST LAST LINE IN CINEMA HISTORY.
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