5th best halloween movie, VERY OVERRATED THOUGH
9 August 2001
as of now h20 is the 5th best, but it could change since halloween 8 is soon to come out. It is not a bad film. It did disappoint me though how they make it seem that halloween 3, (3 doesn't count though so we'll say halloween 4) through 6 never hapened. "we haven't seen michael myers since 1978, but they saw him in 95 in h6, and 88 in h4 and 89 in h5. Whats up with that? Also, the myers mask sucked ( and it always have since the first two movies). I didn't like how dr loomis was in it (but i guess they can't help that because donald pleascence is deceased, god bless him), but they did make up for it with some of the stuff from original movie, example, the same font and description of where stuff was "haddonfield, illinois" "yada yada" in that classic font. Also they had good soundtrack, with many of the same scores from H1. BUT AS THE GUY'S REVIEW ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS MOVIE SAYS, where all the info is, JAMIE LEE CURTIS DOES NOT PUT ON A BETTER PERFORMANCE IN H20 THAN SHE DID IN THE ORIGIAL HALLOWEEN. this movie gets a 6/10 sorry bout spelling...my keyboard keys stick and dont' always type
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