Black Bart (1975 TV Movie)
Black Bart is a Black Mark for Television
2 July 2004
Quite possibly the worst television pilot I have ever seen. Besides the crudeness of the plot (which would not bother me if it was funny) there is not one redeeming quality in this and is a black mark on the otherwise distinguished careers of Lou Gosset and Noble Willingham.

How could the guys who put together Blazing Saddles come up with drek like this?

I feel as though I must take a shower after watching this show. Everyone who made this show should go by the name of Alan Smithee. If there was an award for worst pilot episode ever made, this would win it hands down. Why on earth they would include it in the 30th anniversary DVD of blazing saddles is one of those errors in judgment that will be contemplated for years to come.
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