Review of Arrival II

Arrival II (1998)
Gives a new meaning to the word "stupid"
9 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains some spoilers

Have you ever seen a truly stupid movie? Well, if you haven't, go watch this one (and "Battlefield Earth").

I hardly know where to begin when describing this amateurish piece of nonsense, but I'll try anyway: the action scenes in this movie are by far the most poorly executed ones I've ever seen. There is no kind of tension whatsoever, the camera movement could have been done better by a 5-year old kid and everything feels very sluggish.

The plot consists mainly of a terribly cliche romance, and some vague mumblings about alien conspiracies. Nobody ever takes the trouble to explain anything, and the villains get at least ten opportunities to dispose of the heroes but for some inexplicable reason they never do. For some reason, the male hero seems to know EVERYTHING about alien technology simply by looking at it, and the reporter isn't even surprised when tells her this. To top it all off, the dialogue is so bad that it almost made me smash my head against the wall. Most stupid leap in logic: while the heroes run away from the vacuum device in the power plant, all the plant's employees are seen actually running TOWARDS it seconds before the entire plant is destroyed. Yeah right.

Only watch this movie with some friends and lots of beer, and the sheer awfulness of it might entertain you. Otherwise, being sucked into a vacuum might me more fun.
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