A waste of time
19 July 1999
This film is pretty tiresome. The plot is thin, some of the acting poor, the short reconstruction of Ancient Egypt very flimsy and visually disappointing, the script only average. And when will writers learn to stop trying to make up ancient Egyptian names? They never get it right and there are plenty of real ones to choose from. Even the special effects were not in any way striking, especially when compared to the currently-on-release "The Mummy". The story did not even make sense within its own parameters and was full of non-sequiturs and unexplained events. The archaeologists both now and in the past would have got the sack from any self-respecting dig. The women I suppose are attractive but too much alike. There is no male lead worth lusting after. Although the film is set in Britain it is full of anachronisms and errors showing the scripts were written by Americans. (examples - ordinary English people do not conveniently have guns to hand when a monster breaks into their flat; no English Police chief would say "I'll have your badge" because British police don't have badges, they have warrant cards.) A waste of 2 hours.
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