Review of The Matrix

The Matrix (1999)
15 May 2003
Rating: 8 out of 10. Directed by Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski. `The Matrix' is an action packed science fiction story full of movie aphorisms, but fortunately has many innovative ideas. The surprise hit of the summer of 1999 grossing over $170 million, `The Matrix' was the fifth highest grossing movie in North America that year.

I love many genres of film, but I mostly watch drama or thriller movies, and generally avoid the action genre. So I was pleasantly surprised by `The Matrix', it was a great diversion that was welcomed when I first watched it. Having just seen `Matrix Reloaded' today, I feel the need to see this movie again sometime soon.

There were two things I didn't like about this movie. One, the acting is unremarkable and nearly nonexistent, there is more dancing than real acting. Two, the dialogue is terribly cliched.

Even with its flaws, `The Matrix' isn't bad at all and worth viewing for anyone that has not seen it yet.
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