Ramming Speed (1997)
Great movie about awful people doing terrible things.
25 June 2004
Great movie about awful people doing terrible things. BLOOD SIMPLE and Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE and FUNHOUSE all rolled up into one. Moments when you must look away from the screen out of sheer horror that such things are happening, much less being filmed. I loved it because the movie has a head and a heart under its gut-wrenching need to remind you why we have laws against such things as murder, mayhem, and torture of animals and individuals. The only saving grace to all that pain is that there is a hero and heroine in this story, and they might just take you with them if they can ever escape the awful things being done to them. I will remember this one for a while. The cockroach story that the character Bobby tells is one of the most genuinely beautiful moments in film. Almost makes you forget for a moment that he was the same guy stuffing a dead body into a 50 gallon drum at one point. But don't relax for too long. You are still stuck in the house with these people. Who is this director and what else has he done?!? WOW! Rating: what letter comes before A?
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