Walken is a great actor.. although, not even himself can save this film
24 December 2000
WEll, i was looking forward to watching this movie, as i am a huge walken fan. After watching this movie, my first reaction to my friend who watched it with me was.. wow that really sucked.. now, .. don't get me wrong, this movie doesn't fail because of the people in the movie, its just the overall style of the movie.. now, I'm a huge fan of bringing the least hollywood into a movie, but this movie is a bit dry.

I felt there was a few strong points to this film, such as not showing silly things as a romance between the daughter and the housemate ( which i'm still uncertain actually who he is ) , and another good job in this film is over-all PLOT... although, again i'll go back again and make note of how the style of this movie, HAS GREAT POTENTIAL, but just fails.

After thinking about this movie more, I would recommend seeing it once, but this is not a movie with high replay value, although who knows.. If walken was not in this movie for sure it would be alot worse..
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