Enjoyable viewing, but not a lot of laughs
30 June 1999
I was ready to laugh when I sat down to see this film, but the laughs were few and far between. However, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Go figure. Something about Mike Myers has always struck me as being funny and poignant. Ordinary-looking guy with great sense of humor makes good. I guess I'm a fan. I really enjoyed watching him get into his characters.

Mini-me is a classic conception; I could watch the interaction of Dr. Evil and Mini-Me forever.

The best parts of the movie were the reaction shots after Austin said a laugh-line. I love the drawn-out pause that followed each of those lines, as Austin and his listeners are embarrassed--Austin knowing that he's said something naughty and that no one laughed, and his listeners trying to decide on a reaction.

I also enjoyed the Frau's countdown.

I really enjoyed watching this flick--I just don't remember laughing a whole lot out loud.
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