The Minus Man (1999)
Sweetest damn serial killer movie I ever did see
23 August 2000
The Minus Man is an odd little film to be sure. It's about a serial killer, but calling it a serial killer movie is almost misleading. Why? It follows Owen Wilson as he bumps off a few people on his way to finding happiness, but it's not violent and the movie doesn't really dwell on the murders. For reasons that are unclear, Owen just decides every now and again that someone has to go, and then they're gone. More than anything this movie seems to be about the people he lives and works with. There's Mercedes Ruehl and Brian Cox, the married couple he rents a room from. They're having marriage trouble, but we never quite figure out why They make for a very strange couple. His co-worker, played by Janeane Garofalo, seems really desperate for love, but Owen just isn't interested. He seems to enjoy her company, but he never really lets himself get close. This makes for a strange relationship, too. Is he leading her on? Has he ever really been close with a woman? More unanswered questions.

I guess I like this movie, but I'm having trouble putting my finger on exactly what I liked about it. First off, I like Owen, I think he's a cool actor. I haven't seen Bottle Rocket or Rushmore, but I've heard he and his brother Luke are talented writer/directors as well. He's been getting a lot of little parts in big budget Hollywood pics lately, but he shines in The Minus Man. Here he's not really insane, because he knows what he's doing is wrong and he feels guilty. He has nightmares and blackouts while he envisions the two policemen who will eventually catch him for his crimes. What a nice guy, I mean except for all the killing, of coarse. I like Janeane, and she plays a much different part here than usual. Mostly, she seems to play herself. Sarcastic and witty and a little nasty. Her character this time is really insecure, kinda dull, and... what the hell? She's nice! It sorta throws you off. So I liked it, not as much as I had hoped, but it was still interesting. I give it a 7/10 stars. G'night!
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