Faithless (2000)
Scandinavian,cold,unpredictable & Great
25 March 2001
When i first saw the movie i did not know that it was about Bergmans life,i still dont know what scenes was,or wasnt true to his life,but regardless it was a very suspensful movie it moves kind of slow (but never boring) with kind of typical scandinavian lifestyle,humor,sexual overtones. Marianne was very sexy (for an older lady,im only 33) too.

The movie makes you think a lot, and youre not gonna forget the story in a long time, some parts you might remember for decades. It teaches you about temptations (adultery)if you follow them youre gonna get yourselves in a whole lot of trouble,ruin lives

I was thinking about Knut Hamsun a lot through the whole movie,thinking that Bergmann had written a great movie just like the many he had directed by Hamsun, (i usualy dont like copy cats) but with his own twist. So when i found out that it was about Bergmans life ,i thought to myself that he must have lived his life like those movies.

Great job by Liv Ullmann directing
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