22 April 2001
I have seen some pretty lame movies in the past five- ten years, but none quite like this...I understand this movie isn't for guys, but I don't see how women could enjoy a tasteless flick like this one. Killing to win a local pretty girl contest...That's comedy? The critics went ballistic on a movie like waterboy for using dumb comedy...Well at least Waterboy drew a few laughs...This movie was just dumb...Sure there was a plot to this movie...but was it good? No!...This is just my opinion, but if your a 15-18 year old male like I am don't rent this movie to please your girlfriend...Unless you want to sit through an hour and forty five minutes of the worst movie of the past decade...I gave it a 2 out of 10, because I grew up watching Kristy Alley on Cheers, but honestly this movie deserved a 0.
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