Review of Nora

Nora (2000)
Quirky but
27 June 2003
It's clear that the cast and crew of Nora put effort into the work that went on here. Unfortunately, their good intentions did not translate into a good, or even watchable, film.

To be frank, I found this movie boring. It reaches for quirkiness, but rarely rises above the mundane. Here's are some of the principle flaws:

  • The setting. This movie is as glaringly, ferociously, self-consciously Irish as Baywatch is ostentatiously "Californian," and unfortunately it's just as romanticized (even if some of that romanticism is dark). It's simply overwhelming. (I hope I will not be accused of being one of "those" Americans who can't stomach non-Hollywood cinema for holding this opinion. It is only because I *do* watch a lot of foreign films that I saw this one to begin with.)

  • The characters. I will be the first to admit that I know very little about the real James Joyce. However, being that he's considered one of the greatest authors in history, I had hoped he had some uncommon vision, some wisdom, or some complex guiding motivation. In this movie, he has none of these things.

  • The editing. This film drags. My friends and I (two of whom, for reference, are British) ended up watching the last 15 minutes in fast-forward and it was *still* too long. 30 minutes could easily have been cut and the movie would have been better for it.

  • The style. Or, lack thereof. We hear that Joyce is a creative genius. If so, he didn't influence the production team much. As another user put it, despite a few quirks the style is painfully mundane.

Overall: Tries, but finishes only average, bordering on unwatchable due to sheer length. 5/10
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