Diluted and dire and *spoilers*
12 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Anything usually associated Deodato's original Cannibal Holocaust will conjure up images of severe violence, real animal cruelty, and pure visceral shock.

When Cannibal Holocaust 2 reached the shops here in the UK (released by the 'weak' VIPCO label) it seemed like a rather intriguing title. Having only been cut by a few seconds (according to the BBFC) I was expecting something rather extreme, to say the least.

This film is simply incomparable with Deodato's. Again, no cannibalism is shown whatsoever and what exists is, to quote my title, extremely diluted. The acting and (alarmingly) bad dubbing makes this film seem emphatically laughable. There is nothing worth analysing here and the only reason to review this film is to shame it. A hyperbolic blood-bath would have done the trick more than this!

Protagonists driving around in 'monster' trucks...stealing amphibious aircraft...playing trumpets while canoeing down the amazon...sound terrible so far? The problem is, it continues to get worse by the minute. Anyone expecting a crescendo of violence at the film's 'climax' is going to be very disappointed. It makes you question why this film was given an '18' certificate. Blow-darting monkeys...fish swimming up natives rectums...getting worse...and the cherry on top: a vomit inducing 'happy ending' whereby all characters seem to find some form of happiness after parading around the jungle like a prize set of ignorant s**ts! If only I could have returned this and got my money back. It is fair that this sub-genre of film is a marginal one but this is, without a doubt, absolute garbage.
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