Review of Moonlight Mile

A good movie.
12 March 2003
"Moonlight Mile" is a by-the-book drama which tells of a handful of grieving people in a small New England town circa 1966 though the location, the time, and the title have nothing to do with anything of import to the film. The film has a big upside including a stellar cast registering good performances, lots of 60's pop music, good technicals and art, and a clear vision and sense of direction. The downside, however, is the film is just too pat. The histrionics are a tad too obvious, the characters are a tad too glib, the situations a tad too contrived, and the conclusion a tad too neat. "Moonlight Mile" is by anyone's standards a good film but similarly there is no way it deserves the four stars Ebert gave it or the disproportionate numbers of perfect 10's registered on this website. How much you enjoy this film will simply depend on your taste in film and what you expect from a drama. There's lots to like, little to fault, so keep expectations real and enjoy. (B)
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