Almost Famous (2000)
Almost Perfect
19 October 2002
For starters, let me tell you that I am pretty much like the lead character in this film. I'm also a journalist, I'm friends with a famous rock band, hang out with them on tours, concerts, etc. So you can imagine what impact this movie had on me. I was amazed, I really felt throughout the movie that I'm William, the main character. It's an awesome feeling.

Almost Famous is a great movie, coming from a great director that already gave us Jerry Maguire, and who "exercised" his skills in creating love stories in a rock environment in his movie "Singles" (which features appearences from Eddie Vedder, Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell).

This time, it's about a young reporter, hired by "Rolling Stone" to do a story about a growing rock band of the Seventies - a fictional band called Stillwater. He goes with them on tour, falls for a beautiful fan, and, of course, many other things happen as the plot develops.

Every aspect of this movie is created almost perfectly.

The screenplay, to begin with. It's a great story, that develops logically and beautifully, great characters, that you really get to care for. Sometimes touching, sometimes funny or even dramatic, it's a story that totally deserves its Academy Award.

Then the acting. The movie doesn't have any stars, and the lead character is a totally unknown young man. But they all do a great job.

And then there's the music. True perfection. The movie manages to surprise everything about rock'n'roll, from its greatness to its bad moments, through the eyes of a young music lover that grew up in a "No Environment". It's a pleasure to listen to all these great songs and bands that changed music forever.

I really can't describe the warmth and beauty of this movie. There's something about it that makes it so special. Maybe it's because this is, in many ways, the life story of director Cameron Crowe. Maybe that's the reason he wrote and directed this movie so carefully and with such a sensitivity.

All in all, Almost Famous is a movie I probably will never forget. If by any chance you missed it, you should do yourself a favor and rent it right now.

PS I don't understand how IMDB allowed a movie so appreciated, both by public and critics, to have such a lousy user comment on its first page. There are many reviews far better than that one.
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