29 December 2002
This is by far the best horror movie I have ever seen. It's very original, and everything looks REAL. That's what makes it so great.

This is the perfect proof that you can really create some scary sh*t even without special effects, or clever camera work, or hideous monsters.

Three students go deep in the woods to make a documentary about the myth of the Blair Witch. They disappeared... and the footage was found a year later. The movie is actually a documentary-style presentation of what the kids have filmed during their quest.

So... everything's filmed on 16 mm, with cameras held by the actors. First, they interview some people in the village next to the forest the Witch is supposed to be in. And then they go deep in the forest. Only to get lost.

So. There are NO effects. No monsters. No witches, or killings, or horrifying images. There are 2 handy cams, held by the actors, and nothing else.

Still, throughout the whole movie, your heart beats like crazy.

What makes this so scary? Maybe just the fact that it DOESN'T have effects. So it all looks real. Or the documentary-style. The noises in the night. Their discoveries. When they get lost, the forest looks haunting. And - honestly - whenever there was night, I kept hoping dawn will kick in soon.

This is an amazing movie. Vote: 10 out of 10.
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