Review of Frequency

Frequency (2000)
1 May 2000
Not since American Beauty have I heard so much entertained cackling from an audience, and not since E.T. have I heard so much sniffling during the heartstring-tugger parts. It was well worth our 8 bucks. And for time-travel or time-hole freaks, it's a screaming bargain at that price.

Given the obvious difficulties in Frequency's premise, the film could very easily have ended up somewhere between forgettable and laughable. Somebody clearly worked hard to prevent this, and it shows. Indeed, all of the standard leaps and twists inherent a time-screw movie are executed *believably*, and I think this is a big reason Frequency succeeds. It also doesn't hurt that Dennis Quaid finally proved he still has the talent we last saw from him seven zillion years ago, in Breaking Away. Won't someone give this guy another good script or three?

The ending is imperfect, and I would guess it's the main reason for the dearth of "10" ratings here. But I seriously doubt anyone alive could have dreamed up a more satisfying resolution. This is still one of those films where most people leave the theater beaming and wishing there were more movies like it.

And if anyone still needs more proof that previews can be bad representations of the movies they promote, this is it. Very little of Frequency is anywhere near as schmaltzy as its trailer implies. Bottom line: See it.
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