Review of Frequency

Frequency (2000)
a gripping action thriller
15 April 2000
i caught a sneak preview of this with my dad, which i thought was appropriate for this male bonding suspense-thriller. It was very entertaining, featuring a confusing, yet extremely interesting screenplay and excellent performances by Dennis Quaid, Jim Caviezal, and Andre Braugher. I was amazed that a movie this good could be released so early in the year. It's a definite crowd pleaser that should make serious bank at the box office. smart, suspenseful, thrillers like this don't come around to often. many films try to create the euphoric level of suspense as this one has, but fail to do so. This movie was a great way to spend a Saturday night and is worth seeing at least once. It starts off with a bang that sustains you until the plot twists start popping up. Most of these plot twists are enjoyable. I thought this was the best movie to be released this year and should be recognized as a great film. A-
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