Godzilla 2000 (1999)
More! I demand more Gojira! Now!
4 September 2000
Wow! I have so much love for this movie, it's incredible! Godzilla 2000 is a movie experience, baby! I really didn't really know what to expect from this one. I knew it was a re-dubbed version for American audiences, but I wasn't going to be disappointed if it wasn't as cool as the old Godzilla films a remember enjoying as a kid. Well, they did a terrific job dubbing this one. I find most times they tend to follow they Japanese dialogue a little too closely, but you could tell they went nuts with it this time! There are a few really memorable lines in here. Classic giant monster movie stuff. And that last line is so great, it had me laughing in hysterics! This is the first "real" Godzilla film I've got to see on the big screen, but I hope it's not my last. I hope this makes enough money that they start re-releasing all of them, and maybe the Gamera films that I've heard so many good things about. But I have a bad feeling that it would be a hard sell, since these things are of limited interest to the general public. It's a shame, because this was more entertaining than a lot of the films I've seen this summer.

I really hope this does well, and I encourage everyone to see it. It's almost like going to see a cult classic movie in many ways. Everyone at the show I attended must have been Godzilla fans at some point of their life, because they loved it. I've been to a hell of a lot of movies over the years, but to my recollection I can't remember one that ended to such thunderous applause and laughter. I left with a big smile on my face that didn't go away until much later. I guarantee that everyone there had a good time, because the fun of the movie is contagious. It's cheesy for sure, but it's good cheese. And there is something classically beautiful about the original guy-in-rubber-suit Godzilla. I still get a charge out of seeing buildings get demolished under his huge feet, watching as his tail destroys skyscrapers, and seeing his radioactive breath fry the bad guys (in this case, a big living alien ship). I might not be the typical movie fan, but I believe that this is a movie that everyone can enjoy. Just lie back and let it sweep you up in its campiness. Amazingly funny stuff, and I have to give it an 8/10 stars. Whoever re-dubbed this has a wild sense of humour! G'night!
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